Hoovervilles During The Great Depression Nyt

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Axis formed: Burns, 353. Savings of $37, 500: NYT, July 16, 1932, 1. Hopkins's appointment: McJimsey, Harry Hopkins, 45–46; Sherwood, 32. But for Berkeley students that preparation did not include discussions of hunger, poverty, or other Depression-related problems.

Hoovervilles During The Great Depression Nyt Review

Hopkins had gone after his appropriation: Charles, 161–65. Henry Moar's role in the construction of Timberline Lodge and the details of his life are from the author's interview with Moar, Portland, Oct. 24, 2002. From NARA, RG 69, Records of the Division of Information. New York arts units strike: NYT, May 29, 1937, 6. New Madrid WPA work, barge pickup: NYT, Feb. 1, 1937. Record of the Hundred Days from, among others, ibid., 20–21. Geiser report: WPA Files, National Archives, RG 69, General Subject Series, Mine Fires. Hopkins started work: J. Hopkins, 162; McJimsey, Harry Hopkins, 52; Sherwood, 45. Hoovervilles during the great depression nyt today. Hopkins much preferred work: McJimsey, Harry Hopkins, 55–56; Charles, 31.

Hoovervilles During The Great Depression Nyt Daily

Predictions of flood slowing: NYT, Jan. 16, 1937, 19. "More contributions please! The author also has talked with both men. Second radio speech: NYT, Oct. 15, 1939, 45. A New York Daily News caption reads: "From their windows, the 'Haves' may look on the humble houses of the 'Have Nots'. Senate committee response: NYT, June 29, 1938, 1.

Hoovervilles During The Great Depression Nyt Today

Summary of work: Sherwood, 57; Watkins, Hungry Years, 180. The community, which depended primarily on private donations and scavenging, created its churches and other social institutions. Public official Robert Moses, who's often referred to as New York's "master builder" — and a controversial opponent of the poor and people of color — ensured any traces of the Hooverville were wiped away. No way to buy elections: Charles, 175–78. Lehman quoted: Charles, 61. Letters and telegrams: Sherwood, 56. Progress on Timberline Lodge: Griffin and Munro, 1–14. The growing strength and assertiveness of the Democratic Party's conservative wing, Roosevelt's attempted "purge" of conservative Democrats in the 1938 primaries, and voters' repudiation of Roosevelt at the polls are thoroughly covered among Manchester, 167–71; Kennedy, 339–50; Black, 455–60, 484–86; Leuchtenberg, FDR, 263–74; and Watkins, Righteous Pilgrim, 630–31. Hoovervilles during the great depression nyt daily. Time magazine noted with bitter irony, "Last week William Hushka's bonus for $528 suddenly became payable in full when a police bullet drilled him dead. Making matters worse, the minimal federal help that was provided often didn't go to the sick, hungry, and homeless, as many state and local politicians of the time were corrupt. THE DEATH OF THE THEATER. Resolution: NYT, Sept. 13, 1935, 6. Various studies across the country painted a similar portrait of the homeless. Civilian Conservation Corps: Schlesinger, vol. White Plains unemployed golf caddies from NYT, Apr.

Hoover Response To The Great Depression

In June 1933, a patrolman asked a man shaking a tree what he was doing. Treasury art programs: Meltzer, 19–20. Hopkins quoted: Time, Sept. 3, 1938. Vandenberg: NYT, May 17, 1940, 15.

Hoovervilles During The Great Depression Nyt News

Here's what Central Park's Hooverville was like. National Youth Administration: Charles, 152–53. Plummer Hill, Rush and Andrews families: Cleveland Plain Dealer, Feb. 28, 1937, magazine, 5. A Brief History of Homelessness in New York. First arrival: NYT, Dec. 2, 1939, 1. Ickes's appearance: Watkins, Righteous Pilgrim, 1–2. "Honest Harold": Kennedy, 178. In the end, though, it would encourage assistance. It remained a viable community until 1936, when the federal Works Progress Administration allocated slum clearance funds for the area.

Hoovervilles During The Great Depression Nyt Chart

To Ford: NYT, July 31, 1938, 1. The WPA Guide to California, New York: Pantheon, 1984 [1939], xvi. Though numerous attempts were made to eliminate these villages during the 1930s, they were unsuccessful. Hog and cotton surplus: Kennedy, 204–5; Watkins, Hungry Years, 356–57; Schlesinger, vol. "Gloom pervades": NYT, June 28, 1936, 22. THE MUSIC PROJECT: "REAL MUSIC" FOR AMERICA. The account of the WPA's work on the Picatinny Arsenal and the installation's history and background is taken largely from John W. Hoovervilles during the great depression nyt news. Rae's Images of America: Picatinny Arsenal (Charleston, S. : Arcadia, 1999). Kellock background: ibid., 46, 63–68.

De Kooning severance: Meltzer, 71. FTP response to Dies: Flanagan, 338. Federal One spending and employees:. To many, the action confirmed a view of Hoover as coldhearted and detached from reality. 2, 1933, 8; also see Leuchtenberg, FDR, 38–39. Le Mars and Denison, Iowa, from Schlesinger, vol. During the Great Depression, in the 1930s, as millions of people lost their jobs and homes, shanty towns, also known as "Hoovervilles" began to sprout up across the US. By Thursday night: E. Allen, 100–2. In New York City: Caro, 451–54. Increased budget: Brandt, 235. Twenty-four bodies recovered and six still missing; WPA employees, compensation: NYT, Feb. The veterans were desperate. Gen. MacArthur ordered U.S. troops to attack them. - The. 14, 1937, gen. Sokoloff's compiling audience numbers: Bindas, 9.

Unemployment from 24. On October 10, 1936: United Mine Workers Journal, 1939, date and page illegible (from Penn State University archives). Woodland characteristics: Account of Elliotts in Kentucky: interview with Josephine Elliott. Hopkins as ambassador to Stalin: Sherwood, 323–28. 1 billion to vets, contrast with Hoover: Dickson and Allen, 253–55. Eleanor Roosevelt support of school lunch program: Watkins, Hungry Years, 265. Laning work at Ellis Island, New York Public Library: Meltzer, 70. Jobs for air hostesses: NYT, Oct. 17, 1939, 27. Churchill replaces Chamberlain: NYT, May 11, 1940, 1. Coughlin drifting out of Roosevelt orbit: Brinkley, 133–34. THE RISE OF THE RED-BAITERS. It was a politicized dig at Republican President Herbert Hoover, who many held responsible for not doing enough to alleviate the depression.

8, 1932, 2; New York Herald Tribune, Mar. History of investigating committees: ibid., 233. Delaney quoted: Sam Yates, "Joseph Delaney, " introduction to retrospective exhibit, online at. Berger, origins of Cape Cod Pilot: ibid., 212–13. As the Depression set in, public sentiment became more sympathetic. Bank failures and bank closings in February, March 1933: Manchester, 71–74; Kennedy, 131–33; Senate hearings and effect on depositors' confidence: Schlesinger, vol.

Pretty Boy Floyd sketch: Election results; White, Krock, and Hearst quoted: Schlesinger, vol. Bulk of CWA money flowed to largest states: Charles, 50. Led by Walter W. Waters, a former sergeant from Oregon, they called themselves the Bonus Army or Bonus Expeditionary Forces, a nod to World War I's American Expeditionary Forces. Lynching: Kennedy, 342–44; FDR quoted, 343. May 1 WPA status: NYT, May 2, 1943, E9. Los Angeles's answer was the "Bum Blockade. " Dress rehearsal: Buttitta and Witham, 64. BEFORE THE DELUGE (VINCENT JAMES "JIMMY" BONANNO). Pittsburgh Plate Glass actions from NYT, June 26, 1932, sec. New Orleans: Sunday Item-Tribune, Nov. 14, 1937 (National Archives WPA clip files, page illegible).